Monday 27 February 2012

Shot list

In order to fully comprehend whether my music video idea will work and portray the right emotion that I wish to get across to the audience, I have created a shot list in the form of an animatic. In doing so, I can easily see my video in the formation of hand-draw images; the length of shots and whether my initial idea is workable.

By creating my shot list in this format, it would seem that my idea for the music video is workable being a simple concept presented through varying shots of both people and objects. I feel that if I am able to recreate this animatic successful in the form of moving images, then my video will fully convey the emotion behind the song whilst also presenting the artist of Alice in the correct light.
I have followed Andrew Goodwin's music video theory and so the shot list (and eventually the video itself) contains elements of the link between lyric and music to visual, a substantial amount of close-ups as well as the presence of a star persona, a sense of the voyeuristic element, an indication to the genre of the song as well as a sense of intertextual references. All of these elements mean that my overall video will have followed the codes and conventions of a music video of this genre and so making it more successful as coursework.

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