Wednesday 8 February 2012

Mock- up of advert

Like with the album cover, in order to gain a full understanding of the codes and conventions of an advert, as well as practising the elements learnt from the previous analysis, it is advised to create a mock advert using found images.

This is the first stage of creating my mock advert. As noticed through the analysis, I have chosen to use the same image that was used on my album cover, however I have found a version that is more of a close-up of the artist and so fills the space better than the original image from my album cover. I have added the artist name and title of the album (as that is what I am advertising) in the same fonts and colours that I used in on the album cover, providing the person looking at it with an automatic link between the merchandise being advertised, the artist and the advert itself.

This is the next stage in my advert. I have added the star ratings that are present in most adverts of this variety to provide evidence as to why the fan should buy the album.

In this stage I have played around with the colours, especially in regards to the critics marks in order to make them stand out against the background.

This is my completed mock advert. I have added a quote at the bottom- another convention of adverts. The dominant image, fonts and colours reflect the album that this advert is promoting whilst the presence of quotes and critics ratings emphasise its adverting quality. I feel that with this mock-up, I have successfully conveyed the predominant codes and conventions of adverts, whilst also making it look aesthetically pleasing.

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